Speech Recognition Software
Off-Campus Resources
Google Docs Voice Typing
- Login to your Google account or create an account.
- Open Google Doc.
- Click on the "Tools' tab in the Google Doc.
- Click on "Voice Typing."
Windows Speech Recognition
- You will need to be on a Windows computer.
- In the search toolbar, type "Windows Speech Recognition"
- You will need to complete a voice training session. (Headphones and a microphone are required.)
- Set up Windows Voice Recognition for the First Time
- Windows Speech Recognition Voice Training Directions
Microsoft 365 Dictation
Users who have Microsoft 365 can use the built-in dictation feature in Microsoft Word. For more information, please refer to the Microsoft website.
MAC Dictation Features
Users who have a Mac can use the built-in dictation features. For more information, please refer to the Apple website.
Recommended Apps
- Dragon Anywhere
- Speak4Me
- Transcribe
Location & Contacts
Brighton Campus
Building 3, Room 103
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
Phone: (585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118
Downtown Campus
Student Engagement Center
Floor 3, Room 310
Monday thru Friday
8:45am to 4:45pm
(585) 292-2140
Fax: (866) 308-6118